My Truth

 Hey Everyone! My name is Marlia Bryonne and I am the creator of this site. My reasoning for developing this forum was so that I could pour into broken people like myself that need a word of encouragement and that are looking for hope. I want to share with you my truth so that you too can come clean and be set free.
I was born into a very traditional family in a suburb outside of Cleveland, Ohio. My parents were both married before they had me and my siblings. We lived a decent life. My father worked two jobs and my mother stayed home and did the rearing. Our family was a church going family all accept for my father. For some reason the church and my father did not mix well. We were fortunate enough to own our home, cars, and take several vacations throughout the year, every year. I guess some would say that I had a decent up bringing. Truth be told, everything that glitters is not gold.
At the age of 6 my soul was broken into and my innocence was robbed by a thief. This person was not an actual thief but they did things to me that ultimately changed the rest of my life. I was molested for three years straight by someone that my family knew, loved, and trusted. It was a very sick experience that I grew to accept and sadly enjoy. As a victim, it starts off with confusion and fear but as time goes on you learn to adapt and accept your fate. I was bruised, scarred, and completely broken. The results of this soul attack led me to years of gender confusion, a strong sexual desire, and secrets that I would never tell.
I had my first alcoholic beverage at the age of 7 and was drinking regularly by the age of 15. My first love entered my life at this time and introduced me to marijuana. He and my drugs of choice were everything to me. At the time I did not know that these activities were all eating at my soul. After a year of being together, I was left heart broken when he cheated on me with a close friend of mine. Revenge and trust issues began to overtake my spirit. It was game on from that point forward. I just wish that I would have known how to play the game back then. I did the best that I could with the hand that I was dealt. 
My first plan of action was to begin dating again. I talked to anyone that would talk to me. Good boys, street boys, and even some girls. Apart of me wanted to find love and the other part just wanted to have fun. And fun is what I had. It was all very temporary and unfulfilling but it was the best that I thought I could get at the time.
In the beginning I told you guys that my family and I attended church. I forgot to mention that my mother was a Reverend and missionary and she traveled the world telling people about Jesus. You may wonder how in the world does a Reverend's daughter end up with a story like mine well you will just have to continue reading and find out why. God always has a plan!
Even while I was in the middle of my mess, God still loved me. I would attend youth revivals and go on missions trips and I promised you that those moments in my life were the most promising. The only thing was that they didn't last. It's so easy to not be consumed with sin when you are surrounded my spirit filled believers and have made the choice to live right. Your environment and the people in it have the strongest impacts on your life. I wasn't strong enough on my own to leave the church and bring the Jesus into the world. Instead I met with Him when it was convenient for me and more acceptable. The sinner/saint thing was an ongoing battle for me where my sinning hat always took over.
Now onto college. I wish I could say that the partying stopped here and that I got super serious about my walk with Christ, but I can't. I was finally set free to do everything that I wanted to do. My drinking and smoking increased to the max. I held it down in the classroom as well as on my job so my extracurricular activities were approved and appropriate in my mind. I met an older guy who actually encouraged me to date women. I met a beautiful yet broken woman and spent almost two years trying to figure out how I could make us work. During that time conviction set in like crazy and I should knew this life wasn't for me. I left her broken hearted.
I tried this Jesus thing after that. I prayed more, read the bible more, and became more active in the local church. During this time I met a pretty cool awesome guy. He was like my savior and he made all of the pain go away. I fell in love and had two children with him. I just knew that I would spend the rest of my life with him. And in a crazy way I guess that I am now that we have two boys together. That relationship ended with him cheating and treating me like the scum of the earth. My soul was shattered and in need of a major healing. This is when I turned to the Great Physician and gave my life completely over to Christ.

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